Monday 29 November 2010

Logo Development

Ive already got the YO! Sushi part done and now i need to add the "Amsterdam" part.

I went through a few typefaces that i thought represented Amsterdam well, could be used in different situations e.g. direct mail, menu. The typeface had to work good if it ended up being a neon sign so that meant that complex fonts werent acceptable.
These are the typefaces are narrowed it down to..
I really like Bebas Neue as its a strong font and the capitals look great, the font also rminds me of the building in amsterdam and haw they are so colose to each other and the tallness of the font reminds me of the buildings, Rockwell Extra bold is my favourite as i like the parts at the bottom of each letter and it could represent the reflection in the water and the rest of the letter are the buildings, the rest are ok but nothing really stands out. The Rosewood Std is amazing but i dont think you could have that font on a neon sign and so i cannot use it, the same goes for Lapointes Road it was better than the rest but when i had to choose the one i wanted it didnt fit the criteria.

The chosen font is.... ROCKWELL EXTRA BOLD!
This font has a thinner font styles and i could use this in their advertising and menu's.

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