Thursday 4 November 2010

Test Design Part II

Continuing on my design i tried to create a landscape that showed Amsterdam as a  busy city with alot of buildings and i didnt think the old design showed that (and still dont think this does). I changed the time of day to night but i may change this or have half day and half night so that i can show the cities split personality, i realise it doesnt show much of Amsterdam but this is just a small part of the finished design (if i decide to keep it), the final piece may be square and twice the height of the design above so that you have the city at the bottom and then other stuff in the sky (haven't deiced on that yet).

I like the style
I have a lot of future ideas for this
Shows character
Shows a unique style

Doesnt show the city of amsterdam
nothing happening - boring
needs more than just a street
More things to relate the city

Im going to continue developing this concept by going back to the facts and figures and rereading my research so i can get some images to relate the mural with Amsterdam.
(note: the buildings at the end will have their own texture and not repeated as shown on this design)

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