Thursday 4 November 2010

Test Style

Following on from the previous post and style of cut and stick, i have created a concept design to see how it looks and feels.
I was inspired by looking at this photo.
I like the way each building leans on to the next, giving a feeling of dependability on each other. The style of the buildings are unique and have a strong character to them especially the windows, these give it an old vintage look to them, the canal and boats in the picture complete the package in my eyes as ou have character, style and now you have nature and a peaceful way to travel - canal boats.

This idea is still in development but you get a feel for it. The windows stand out just like i wanted them to, i put a texture on everything so it looks like i have got different materials and stuck them down. The outside cuts also follow the cut and stick style, the style in relationship to Amsterdam is that im showing the diverse range of textures to be a metaphor for the huge range of people and ethnicity. I want the mural to be recognized as Amsterdam straight away and i think it isnt quite there yet.

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