Friday 12 November 2010

New idea, new concept, new flavour

After looking at a few styles i thought that the cut and paste style wasnt doing as good as i thought and so combining my love for cartoons and real life - inspired by Jonathon and to be myself and create something i love - inspired by Montana Forbes i decided to go for something i like to call my style. My style is basically real life images transformed into cartoon/vector form.

I wanted to follow the same theme of having the buildings, bridges and water all together as that how i always view Amsterdam and it seems pretty iconic and so i found this image to start with...
This pictures shows so much and as they say "a picture says a thousand words" and by transforming that picture im keeping them thousand words and recreating them in vector form.

This is it in outline form and the picture transformation is still not complete as i have yet to add and complete what i have planned, i added the diamonds because of the high amount of diamond polishing factories in Amsterdam.
This is a pre-colour test and as i said its still got a lot to do, think of this as the basic structure and now i got that down i can add more.
The whole vector took me around 6-7 hours to do and to get everything looking right, i didnt put up any development stages because when i started on this i didnt think it was going to look as good as it turned out.

I have a lot planned for this and at the moment im thinking of having it A2 portrait and a portrait wall with this design at the bottom but i have not decided yet, for the rest of the design im still in development ideas mode. This design is much better than my old cut and paste style and so im happy its coming along nicely.

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